Actor Mohanlal has added a new luxury car worth Rs 5 crores to his impressive collection. He bought home a brand-new Range Rover Autobiography which is known for its extravagant features and luxurious presence. The vehicle was launched as a celebration at a function held at the actor's new flat in Kundanur, Kochi. The customized version of the off-white-coloured vehicle is Rs 5 crore.
The Autobiography comes with a 2997cc diesel engine and a petrol engine with automatic transmission in five variants namely 2996cc, 2997cc, 2998cc, 4367cc and 4395cc. Twin turbo charger, front and rear suspension is electric air suspension with dynamic response. Just takes just 6.1 seconds to accelerate from 0 to 100 kmph.
Front and rear power windows, power boot, adjustable steering for driving comfort, three-zone automatic climate control, front and rear parking sensors and electronic active differential with torque vectoring for safety braking.
Mohanlal recently owned the Innova Crysta Z7 Auto Edition and White Innova Crysta. After this, the Land Rover Range Rover Autobiography customized version will also be added to his collection of vehicles. Mohanlal is also the first owner of Toyota's minivan Welfare in India.