KOCHI: After several months of rumours and anticipation, the Indian Railways has announced the third Vande Bharat train for Kerala. The new Vande Bharat train will operate on the Ernakulam - Bengaluru route three days a week. The first service will be on July 31.
The train, which will leave Ernakulam at 12.50 pm, will reach Bengaluru at 10 pm. On the return journey, the train will leave Bengaluru at 5.30 am the next day and reach Ernakulam at 2.20 pm. According to sources, the train will run from Ernakulam to Bengaluru on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays, and from Bengaluru to Ernakulam on Thursdays, Saturdays, and Mondays.
Railways had earlier stated that it would introduce the third Vande Bharat service to Kerala before Onam. The launch of the new train service will benefit many Malayalis working in the IT sector in Bengaluru. The new train will have stops at Ernakulam, Thrissur, Palakkad, Pothannur, Tiruppur, Erode, Salem and Bengaluru.