THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Kerala State Lottery Department's Monsoon bumper lottery draw result is out. The first prize of Rs 10 crore is for ticket number MD 769524. The first prize goes to the ticket sold by Shyam Shashi, an agent in Muvattupuzha, Ernakulam. The same number in other series will get a consolation prize of Rs.1 lakh each.
The second prize of Rs.10 lakhs each will go to ticket numbers MA 425569, MB 292459, MC 322078, MD 159426 and ME 224661.
The third prize of five lakh rupees each will go to ticket numbers MA 668032, MB 592349, MC 136004, MD 421823 and ME 158166.
Ticket numbers MA 328103, MB 777474, MC 203724, MD 721166 and ME 138340 will receive the fourth prize of Rs.3 lakh each.
Ticket numbers ending with 0269, 0556, 0617, 0898, 1192, 1225, 1492, 1940, 2885, 3371, 4248, 4400, 4638, 5048, 5554, 6566, 6692, 6813, 6860, 6939, 7164, 7402, 7721, 7907, 7971, 7992, 8364, 8924, 9126, 9339 will receive the fifth prize of Rs 5000 each.
Ticket numbers ending with 2207, 0978, 2711, 2124, 6886, 5427, 7941, 7687, 2050, 6575, 1251, 9396, 7410, 5135, 6085, 4918, 3092, 3371 will receive the sixth prize of Rs 1000 each.