THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan on Saturday said that a help cell named "Help for Wayanad Cell" will be formed under Joint Land Revenue Commissioner A Geetha, a senior IAS officer and ex-Collector of Wayanad, to coordinate the aid and pledges flowing in for the rehabilitation of people in the landslide-hit areas of Wayanad.
The help cell will coordinate house construction, financial assistance and other assistance offered through the CM relief fund's portal, social media and other means. A call centre will also be set up to receive and answer calls related to this. Senior officers from the Land Revenue Commissionerate will work at the call centre.
An email ID has also been created to communicate with those willing to provide rehabilitation assistance. A system will be prepared by giving a special charge to an officer under the Finance Secretary to handle the contributions received towards the rehabilitation of the affected people of Wayanad. Various bank account numbers of the relief fund have been provided on the portal for making donations. Donations can be made by online banking/debit/credit cards, UPI, or by entering the account number directly. Those making donations can get their receipts immediately after making the donations. People making transactions through UPI will receive a receipt only after 48 hours.