PUNE: A 29-year-old woman fell into a 100 feet deep gorge while trying to take a selfie in Satara, Maharashtra. She hails from Pune. The area was closed due to heavy rain. The young woman had come for trekking with her friends.
The woman fell near Dosghar Falls in Satara. The home guard and the girl's friends rescued her after hearing her cries. A group of five men and three women were in the group that came for trekking. After the accident, the woman was taken to the hospital. The doctors informed that their health condition is satisfactory.
Recently, a young travel vlogger named Anvi Kamdar died after falling in the Kumbh Falls in Raigad, Maharashtra. The woman, who is a chartered accountant, came with her friends. While trying to take reels, she fell into the 300-feet-deep waterfall.
महाराष्ट्र में सेल्फी लेना पड़ गया महंगा
— Aman Yadav (News24) (@Amanyadav7629) August 4, 2024
100 फीट नीचे खाई में गिरी लड़की
लड़की को रेस्क्यू करने का वीडियो, रस्सी की मदद से खींचा गया
100 फीट नीचे घाट में गिरने से बड़ी दुर्घटना,
Satara Women Slips during Selfie #Maharashtra #selfie #reel pic.twitter.com/TF2IUp65nJ