KOZHIKODE: On Tuesday, the high court will hear the plea of Pantheerankavu domestic violence case accused Rahul. The petitioner Rahul informed the High Court that the case had been settled with his wife and all misunderstandings had been sorted out. Along with the petition seeking cancellation of the case, his wife, a native of Ernakulam North Paravoor, also filed an affidavit in the court.
The state government will inform the court about its stand on the petition. With the complainant going a volte-face and now seeking cancellation of the case, the police will have to take legal advice in proceeding further with the investigation.
In the affidavit, the young woman revealed that everything was done as per the family's instructions and all the allegations made in the complaint were false. She blamed family for coercing her to raise a complaint against Rahul. The young woman also dismissed the earlier accusation of Rahul strangling her with a mobile charger and demanding more dowry.
With the sudden turn of events, the investigation in the case has hit a roadblock and officials are clueless on how to proceed further.
Rahul's mother, Usha Kumari, sister Karthika, and Pantheerankavu police station officials Sarath Lal and Rajesh Mankav were granted bail in the case. The revelation from the young woman came while efforts were being made to bring Rahul, who had entered Germany. A.S.Sarin, the SHO of Pantheerankavu station, was earlier suspended for showing negligence in the case.