A few days ago, actor Shine Tom Chacko opened up about his breakup with his girlfriend Thanuja, who has been seen with Shine on many public occasions. In an interview, Shine revealed that he and Thanuja had broken up. Subsequently, Thanuja also made some revelations about the breakup and accusations against Shine, which sparked discussions on social media.
Thanuja is now upset over the allegations made against Shine. In an interview with an online media, Thanuja clarified that Shine is a good man and has not caused her any trouble. She emphasized that she does not want Shine and his family to misunderstand her based on the stories spread by others.
Thanuja's words:
"I occasionally go live on video, without a fixed schedule. Things I didn’t say against Shine were reported as news, which shocked me. That video was edited and circulated, making it seem like I spoke against Shine. When I was asked about Shine during the live, I initially didn’t answer but eventually said something under pressure and then left the topic.
Shine is following his own path and he is a good man who never troubled me. There are just some things we couldn’t adjust to. I would never publicly say anything bad about him. If I have any issues, I keep them to myself or share them with close friends.
What I said was about my two friends, not Shine. However, some YouTube channels aired it misleadingly, making it appear as if I was talking about Shine. People are creating stories for content. Shine has never mentioned me in any interview, so how could I make him look bad? I have experienced good things because of him and I don’t want his family to misunderstand me. They always treated me well. We broke up, but there will always be a part of us that remains connected. We still don’t fully understand what happened between us."