KOCHI: The investigation report submitted by the police has confirmed that Kerala Cricket Association coach Manu had sexually assaulted several minor girls under the pretext of cricket training. According to the police, Manu touched the private parts of the girls and forced them to click their nude pictures under the pretext of examining their physical fitness. In the report submitted to the High Court, Cantonment Police SHO Prajeesh Sasi stated that the accused later sexually exploited the girls after threatening them with these nude pictures.
The petition filed by the parents of the victims is being considered by the High Court. The petitioners are demanding that the investigation of the case should be handed over to the Crime Branch. The court has asked the petitioners to reply to the report submitted by the police. According to the complaint, the accused had touched the private parts of the girls several times under the pretext of training and subjected them to sexual assault more than once.
The petitioners have alleged that Manu is not alone in the crime and that a mafia of many people was involved in the incident. However, the police haven't made such a finding. The investigation officers were not able to find whether the accused had sent nude pictures of the girls to anyone else. Manu is the only accused in the case. Six girls had come out with complaints after a case was registered on the first complaint against Manu.