On Thursday, ending the slew of rumours, actor Nagarjuna shared the first photos from the engagement ceremony between his son Naga Chaitanya and actress Sobhita Dhulipala. The actors were dating for the last two years before deciding to get hitched.
However, the date chosen for the engagement ceremony raised some eyebrows on social media. Some fans have discovered that Naga Chaitanya’s ex-wife Samantha had proposed to the actor on August 8 almost eight years back.
Samantha and Naga Chaitanya got married in 2017 after a long relationship. It is reported that Samantha still has Naga Chaitanya’s name tattooed on her body. After shocking fans with their decision to split in 2021, Samantha intensified her work in movies and appeared in critical and commercially successful projects. Meanwhile, Sobhita Dhulipala signed for Mani Ratnam’s magnum opus ‘Ponniyin Selvan’ and became a nationwide sensation upon the movie’s release.
#SamanthaRuthPrabhu Proposed Naga chaitanya On August 8 💔
— ꪆࣼꪒവᰢ͟།ᰈ།ໍ (@itz_sagaa) August 8, 2024
And He Is Now Getting Enggaged With #SobhitaDhulipala On August 8 💞#NagaChaitanya ..! pic.twitter.com/6Om7YnL2Gb
On another note, fans are hoping to see the response of Samantha on the marriage news of her former husband. The actress known for her outspoken attitude is expected to respond on social media.