MUMBAI: Arshad Ali Sheikh, 30, who was found dead in a suitcase at a railway station, was allegedly murdered by his wife, Ruksana, who has now been arrested. According to the police, the motive behind the murder was Ruksana's relationship with one of the accused, Jai Chawda. Ruksana and Chawda conspired to kill Arshad so they could be together. Shivjit Surendra Singh, another accomplice, has also been arrested in connection with the crime.
Last Sunday, Chawda lured Arshad to his home in Paidhuni, South Mumbai, where he gave him alcohol before stabbing him to death. Chawda filmed the murder and sent the video to a friend abroad. The trio then placed Arshad's body in a suitcase and attempted to abandon it at the railway station. A policeman noticed blood seeping from the suitcase, leading to the discovery of the murder.
All four individuals involved—Jai Chawda, Shivjit Surendra Singh, Ruksana and the victim, Arshad—are speech and hearing impaired. They had become friends after meeting at a program for the differently-abled. Police arrested Chawda at the scene, while Singh, who initially escaped, was later arrested at Ullas Nagar railway station.