THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: In a big shift in fortune, KSRTC's Vikas Bhavan depot earned close to Rs 50 lakh a month in revenue. Rs 43.81 lakh rupees was earned in Vikas Bhavan through 14 electric bus services. In January this year, the income was only 19.72 lakhs. But in August, this increased by 24 lakhs to 43.81 lakhs.
Following a special directive from Transport Minister Ganesh Kumar and Corporation CMD, the service of electric buses generating low income was rescheduled. With this, daily revenue as much as Rs 1.5 lakhs started falling into KSRTC’s coffers. Earlier the daily income was only Rs 64,000. In most depots, a slight increase of Rs 1 to 5 lakhs was reported after the schedule revision but in Vikas Bhavan, the income soared to a record high. EPKM became 54 from 35.
Vikas Bhavan Unit Officer CP Prasad said the schedule revision was made after sorting out the electric buses with large passenger traffic. The official congratulated the employees and announced their next target was to earn Rs 65 per km.