ABU DHABI: In a life-changing turn of events, Noor Miah Shamsu Miah, a Bangladeshi expatriate and painting worker, has won a staggering Rs 34 crores in the latest Big Ticket series draw. The 40-year-old, who has been residing in Al Ain for 18 years, emerged as the grand prize winner of 15 million dirhams (over 34 crores) in the 266th live draw.
Miah's winning ticket was purchased under the 'Buy Two Get One Free' offer from a counter at Al Ain Airport. Expressing his delight at the windfall, Miah revealed that two of his friends will also benefit from the prize. However, he is yet to decide on how to utilize the massive prize money.
The Big Ticket series continues to offer life-changing prizes, with the September draw promising a prize of 20 million dirhams. Ten lucky winners will receive 1 lakh dirhams each, while three participants in the weekly electronic draw will have the chance to win 100,000 dirhams each.