Director Vinayan congratulated Prem Kumar, who was appointed as the temporary chairman of the film academy. In a Facebook post, Vinayan said that he firmly believes that Prem Kumar can do good things for the film industry and film lovers through his impartial and fair work.
Prem Kumar was the vice chairman of the film academy. In the context of Ranjith's resignation, Prem Kumar, the vice-chairman of the Kerala State Film Academy, was given the temporary charge of the academy chairman, according to the order issued by the culture department. The order was issued by R Santhosh, joint secretary, department of culture.
However, Prem Kumar responded that he was not personally happy with the new post. Ranjith is my close friend. The democratic nature of the academy will be preserved. The second phase of the training project to strengthen the presence of women in Malayalam cinema will begin soon. Prem Kumar also said that the film industry will be transformed into a women-friendly workplace.
Meantime, Prem Kumar clarified that a final decision has not been taken on the date of the film conclave and others who are not required will be kept apart. There should be a platform for women's fight. Prem Kumar added that he has demanded for a woman to helm the academy.