Citing the flurry of vile messages appearing on her social media account, actor Bala’s former partner Elizabeth Udayan came forward with a clarification. In a video released, Elizabeth said she would not succumb to the pressure induced by the cyber-attack and promised to get more active on social media in the coming days.
Elizabeth Udayan:
“Some people in the comment section said I was autistic. It is a disease, but I feel it is not generous to raise such a false allegation. Some others said that I had medical issues that would never make me able to give birth. I don’t know why such false information is being spread on social media.
Whatever it be, I am not ready to crumble before such false allegations. I got cheated and was body-shamed by people I loved. I am trying to come out of those perilous times and it won’t be sufficient for some fake IDs to take me down again.
Don’t even think to frighten me with such bilious comments. I am not hurting anyone nor craning my neck into others' matters. I have endured the worst and battled hard to come out of it. You may be getting paid for your vile comments but it would do little to change me. Even amidst some death threats, I have made up my mind to go ahead to be active on social media.”