THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The death penalty awarded to Greeshma, the prime accused in the Sharon murder case, is the result of the Kerala Police's diligent efforts. The investigation team uncovered and submitted all types of digital and medical evidence to the court. They thoroughly studied the properties of paraquat dichloride, a highly toxic herbicide, which Greeshma used to murder Sharon.
They researched the effects of paraquat on the human body and concluded that the same effects occurred in Sharon's case. When paraquat enters the body, the first area it affects is the mouth, where ulcer-like sores develop. Within two days, the toxin severely damages the kidneys, and subsequently, it causes extensive damage to the intestines.
The investigation team held extensive discussions with forensic experts and prominent doctors. Forensic experts like Shirley Vasu and Dr VV Pillai provided their valuable guidance.
The court, calling this an extraordinary case, awarded Greeshma the death penalty. The court praised the Kerala Police for their highly efficient investigation of the case. The court commended that the investigation progressed in line with modern times and made excellent use of scientific evidence. The court stated that Greeshma was found guilty not only of murder but also of poisoning Sharon and misleading the police.