THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Sharon spent the last 11 days of his life in the hospital bed, suffering excruciating pain. The highly toxic herbicide paraquat given by Greeshma had destroyed all his internal organs. Many organs including his intestines had decomposed. He battled death for 11 days without being able to drink a drop of water. Doctors have testified that he was in severe pain and even his genitals bled.
Sharon had expressed regret to his father Jayaraj in the last minute. Jayaraj was the 92nd witness in the case. 22-year-old Sharon had already realized that he would have to surrender to death. This was because Sharon's lungs had shrunk and oxygen was not getting in. Sharon apologized to his father for hiding everything and for committing a mistake.
Greeshma planned and implemented 'slow poisoning' to kill Sharon by making him suffer and kill him inch by inch. All his vital organs were burnt. He was passing black stool, was spitting blood throughout. The murder was truly diabolic.
Greeshma did not know that from the day she committed the crime until she was caught, she was carrying the evidence. There were 48 circumstantial evidences against her. Sharon was addicted to love and he addressed her as ‘vave’. He was so much in love with her but she had the mind of a devil.