Pattayam mission soon; land for landless

Thursday 02 March 2023 12:10 AM IST

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Minister K Rajan informed the assembly that land will be allotted to all landless people and given pattayam. To accomplish this quickly, Pattayam mission will be formed. To accept pattayam application and register pattayam disbursement block, the dashboard has come into existence. A meeting of people's representatives will be held to expand this. The preparation of a standard operating procedure to speed up the allotment of land to hill and tribal communities has been completed.
The government distributed 54,535 pattayams in the first year. 40,000 pattayams will be given on the occasion of the second anniversary. 60,000 cases are in progress in Land Tribunal. Possession certificates for 1699.04 acres have been distributed to 1369 people under the Forest Rights Act. 198 beneficiaries were allotted 38.01 acres of land under the Land Bank scheme. The Minister said that out of 7693.223 hectares of Centrally sanctioned land, 1988.6507 hectares have been allocated.

Ente Bhoomi portal

With the completion of the Digital Reserve, an integrated portal named Ente Bhoomi will come into existence. The integrated portal consists of Pearl of Registration Department, Release of Revenue Department, and E Map of Survey Department. With this, the situation of disputes over the purchase and sale of land will change. A digital record will be prepared for all lands in four years. 1500 surveyors and 3200 helpers will be recruited through employment exchange for the digital survey. It can be used as a public database of Kerala. It will be integrated for which departments it will be useful. With the completion of the digital survey, attempts to take over the land through force by shifting the boundary stone will become impossible.
