Came, prayed, and took offering box; lady robber in Alappuzha temple

Tuesday 14 March 2023 6:51 PM IST

ALAPPUZHA: A lady who came to the temple, prayed, and gave money to the offering box only to steal the whole offering box later, and go away. The incident happened near Thakazhi in Alappuzha Sree Bhadrakali temple. The lady came along with another guy on a bike with no number plate. The scenes were captured in full by the CCTV camera placed nearby.

The lady entered the temple carrying a big bag. She did the rounds of prayer and offered some money to the box kept nearby. She then scrutinized the place and slowly took the box to join her friend to speed away on a motorbike. The incident happened at odd hours with no important rituals, such that the temple had only a fewer presence of devotees. It was later found that the same lady before taking the box from this temple, stole another one from the nearby temple.

The offering box was found in the nearby field but was left empty.
