Kannur corporation wants back Rs 68 lakh from Zonta Infratech

Wednesday 15 March 2023 12:39 AM IST

KANNUR: Kannur corporation is on an attempt to take back Rs 68 lakh from Zonta Infratech, the same company that is now in the crosshairs over the Brahmapuram fire. The corporation has now sent a legal notice to the company alleging money occupied through dubious means.

Zonta took the money before even starting work on the waste plant in Kannur. The company again coerced the corporation for another 21 crores. The corporation with no financial means to meet Zonta’s demands gave the contract to another company from Pune for Rs 8 crore.

"The governing body has not made any agreement of Rs 68 lakh with Zonta, but the company took the money through backchannels working in the corporation," said Mayor Adv T O Mohanan.

The corporation came into talks with Zonta for the deal in February 2020. The contract also asked the corporation to give two acres of land in Chelora trenching ground to Zonta Infratech.

"Albeit knowing the drawbacks, the corporation signed the deal with Zonta due to pressure from the CM office. Even an open tender was not called but the contract was given to Zonta directly. One year after the agreement and no works were initiated by the company." said the mayor.

When asked about the delay, the company measured the piled-up waste in the plant and asked the corporation for another Rs 21 crore to clear it up which made the authorities call off the business and go with the Pune firm.
