CPM not discussing the camera controversy; action may come in Alappuzha

Sunday 07 May 2023 12:33 AM IST

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The CPM state committee meeting did not discuss the artificial intelligence camera deal where corruption allegations were raised. In the meeting which started yesterday, the reports of the three commissions appointed for organizational inspection were considered. Reporting of past Central Committee decisions also took place. It is learned that the commission comprising TP Ramakrishnan and PK Biju which looked into sectarianism in Alappuzha has recommended action against the three area committees.

It is understood that the CPM leadership has agreed that the Chief Minister should not give a direct reply to the allegations made by the opposition in the AI ​​camera controversy. Political accusations will be answered by other leaders. The state committee may discuss today on how the party's defense should be.

The main finding of the commission headed by AK Balan and TP Ramakrishna is that there was an organizational failure in handling the Trikkakara by-election. The report did not mention senior leaders of the district by name. The commission found that sectarianism is also severe in Palakkad district. The commission has also looked into the allegations against PK Sasi, who is also a former MLA. The Thrikkakara report will be discussed in detail by Ernakulam District Committee and Thrikkakara Constituency Committee. Special district committees will be convened in Alappuzha and Palakkad.
