Kerala police ready to consider extreme ways to safeguard lives; will gun down assailants if needed

Friday 12 May 2023 1:13 AM IST

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The police in Kerala look to consider the extreme steps of punitive action in the wake of the doctor's murder in Kottarakara. The supreme court order also allows the police to gun down the assailant if the situation demands. The SC order came while considering the case of RPF gunning down four people in West Bengal who tried to capture the booth with violence. However, the situation should be plausible enough for the SC to grant permission for the extreme step.

Not even one person has been fired by police in Kerala’s recent history. The police made gunshots into the air during the Poonthura riots but never aimed at anyone. In case of an attack against VVIPs, the police have all the needed assent from authorities to neutralize the assailant. The same should be followed for ordinary people as CrPC notes the same.

Even if a case gets registered, it will be investigated by a panel heading DGP and home secretaries. The case will eventually get dropped citing the act as an official one committed to safeguarding the life of normal citizens.

Every Thursday, between morning 7 am to 8 am is dedicated to cleaning and shining the rifles and shotguns in police stations, but the procedure is rarely followed these days.
