'Ten thousand Bangladesh citizens in Kerala, please stop appeasing act'; K Surendran on Aluva murder

Saturday 29 July 2023 4:58 PM IST

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The inhumane murder of a five-year-old in Aluva is the latest in the series of tragic crimes happening in Kerala, said BJP state president K Surendran.

“The state of Kerala is in a real mess. People are in fear, not getting any idea of what is happening to the erstwhile land of peace. Anyone can be attacked and the most heinous of murders can happen as the law and order system has gone kaput. The security is beefed up only for CPM leaders so for them Kerala is still a haven of peace, but it is not” K Surendran opined.

“ In pure daylight, kids are being taken away and murdered in the most gruesome way. Women fear stepping out of homes during late hours. The motif used in crimes happening in Kerala seems to be grotesque, with very few similar instances reported across the country. The SC/ST people are also facing the burden. In the last few days, several SC/ST people were killed in Kerala. Pinarayi Vijayan, who vouched to clear all mess in the state is actually aggravating the crisis” Surendran said.

There are many Bangladeshi citizens in Kerala. The government should drop the appeasing act or the state will soon be a mirror image of Bengal, said Surendran. He also criticised the government's negligence that allowed some Muslim league workers to raise slogans about hanging Hindus in front of temples.
