Dressing is a democratic right of individuals; Anil Kumar's statement is not party’s stand’; CPM on hijab row

Tuesday 03 October 2023 3:08 PM IST

KANNUR: CPM state secretary M V Govindan said the media is now implementing an authoritarian approach that they will not allow any force to engage in ideological struggle against the state forces. This is not befitting a democratic system. Govindan said that there should be a nation-wide protest against such attitudes which harm the freedom of the press.

‘The news that Sitaram Yechury's house was raided is factually incorrect. It is a complex of buildings where organizational activities are carried out, including those of the farmers' association. It is in the name of Sitaram Yechury. Some journalists live there. A journalist of NewsClick also stays there. So, there was a raid. Such attacks are taking place against many media,' clarified Govindan.

M V Govindan also responded to CPM leader K Anil Kumar's controversial hijab remark. ‘I don’t agree with changing it as court’s issue on how Muslims and ordinary people should dress. Dressing is a democratic right of every human being. The constitution is one that guarantees. The party's position has been clarified on the hijab issue itself.

Dressing is part of every individual's democratic right. No one should take the position of intruding into it. None of us want to dictate or point out critically that this is the only dress we should wear today. Anil Kumar's remark is different from the party's stand. The party has already clarified that there should not be any such reference from the party. It is the party's stand that there was no need to make such a remark, Govindan clarified dismissing Anil Kumar. Muslim League, Samasta and MSF had turned against Anil Kumar's remarks.
