Father attempts to brutally kill 14-year-old daughter for loving boy from another religion; girl in critical condition

Wednesday 01 November 2023 4:31 PM IST

KOCHI: It has been reported that a man attempted to brutally kill his 14-year-old daughter for loving a boy from another religion. The shocking incident took place in Aluva. Upon learning about his daughter's love affair with her classmate, the father had asked her to put an end to the relationship. However, the other day, the father recovered a mobile phone from his daughter. This mobile phone was given to the girl by her lover. It is reported that the man went on to beat up the daughter after an argument over this.

According to sources, the father brutally beat the daughter with an iron rod and poured poison in her mouth by force. It was the father himself who took the girl to the hospital after she started vomiting. He told the doctors that his daughter accidentally consumed poison while attempting to open the bottle containing poison with her mouth. However, the girl later told the police that she was forced to drink poison by her father. Following this, the Aluva West police arrested the father. He will be soon produced in the court. The condition of the 14-year-old girl is critical.
