'Many Congress leaders in Kerala are undercover agents of BJP,' says Minister Riyaz

Monday 04 December 2023 1:00 PM IST

PALAKKAD: Minister PA Muhammad Riyaz expressed concerns over the state of the Congress party, alleging that several leaders within the party are covertly supporting the BJP's agenda. His remarks, made during a media interaction at Palakkad Chittoor, highlighted the issue of internal conflicts plaguing the Congress.

"The unfortunate state of Congress is evident as certain leaders, in different states, are seemingly working as undercover agents for the BJP," stated Minister Muhammad Riyaz. He emphasized the struggle faced by the party in effectively countering the BJP's policies, especially those detrimental to the people, in various BJP-ruled states adhering to neo-liberal principles.

Addressing the internal strife, the minister pointed out the significant infighting within the Congress, leading to a lack of coherent opposition against the BJP. He specifically referenced instances in Rajasthan where Congress leaders allegedly prioritize personal gains over opposing BJP policies. This, according to him, undermines the secular stance of the party and misleads non-religious supporters.

Citing Kerala as an example, Minister Muhammad Riyaz highlighted the contradiction between the Chief Minister's assertion of good governance by the LDF government and the alleged alliance of certain Congress leaders with the BJP, aiming to destabilize the LDF administration. He urged the identification of such leaders who deceive secular-minded Congress members emphasizing the need for unity and a stronger secular approach.

The minister emphasized the importance of the Congress learning from these challenges and moving forward with a clear, secular stance, not just limited to domestic issues but also extending to global matters like the situation in Palestine. He warned that the actions of certain Congress leaders inadvertently aid the BJP's political growth in the country.
