Rahul Mamkootathil should be subjected medical examination yet again, says court; Youth Congress president brought to General Hospital 

Tuesday 09 January 2024 4:59 PM IST

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The court has directed that Youth Congress state president Rahul Mamkootathil should be subjected to medical examination once again. The court directed that a detailed medical examination should be conducted. Following this, Rahul was brought to the Thiruvananthapuram General Hospital.

The defendant had sought bail on health grounds. However, the prosecution argued that Rahul had no health issues. Earlier, Rahul underwent a medical examination at the Fort Hospital.

Rahul's lawyer argued that the Secretariat march was a political protest and that Rahul had not attacked the policemen. The court then asked why Rahul had a list in his hand if the protest was peaceful.

The prosecution opposed the bail application. The prosecution argued that what happened before the Secretariat was an attack and not a protest. It also accused Rahul of encouraging the attack. The police informed the court that Rahul was present at the spot when the incident took place.
