Land tax for people staying in flats; unexpected blow for people

Monday 05 February 2024 3:46 PM IST

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Finance Minister K N Balagopal proposes land tax for people living in flats. The minister said tax should also be paid on undivided rights of flat land.

The minister had announced that the fair price of land would be increased. It has been decided to increase the fair value according to the use of land. Land tax will also be increased accordingly. The fair value of the land was last determined in 2010. It was then increased by a fixed percentage. The minister announced that the fair price will be revised flawlessly.

Announcements that affect people's lives in a big way
Banks will charge a fee of .1 percent of the loan amount to be included in the land records while taking loan. A maximum of Rs 10,000 will be charged. Although it is said that the fees will be collected from the banks, the burden of this may be passed on to the borrowers.

Fees have also been increased for property related cases

The tax will be calculated based on the plinth area and value of the building

Welfare pension not increased

Liquor will go up by Rs 10 per litre

15 paise hike per unit of electricity. The duty of those who generate their own electricity has been increased.
