Couple nearly got divorced over 'expensive' lipstick drama

Wednesday 06 March 2024 4:49 PM IST

AGRA: A married couple sought divorce here after their argument over a lipstick escalated. The problems started when the husband bought lipstick worth Rs 30 instead of the Rs 10 lipstick his wife asked. The fight ended in a physical altercation and the wife left for her own home.

This bizarre incident was brought to light by Satish Khariwar, a counsellor at the Family Counseling Centre in Agra. He stated that the woman is from Etmadpur and the husband is from Mathura. They got married two years ago.

The wife said that the lipstick costing Rs 30 was too expensive and that the fight was caused due to concerns about the financial situation at home. Satish said that after listening to both the sides, he made both of them understand the issues and reached a settlement. He also stated that the husband finally agreed to buy the lipstick of wife's choice.
