'Totally unacceptable'; MLA K K Rema on RMP leader Hariharan's misogynist remarks

Sunday 12 May 2024 10:58 AM IST

VADAKARA: On Sunday, MLA and RMP leader K K Rema harshly criticised the misogynist and callous remark made by RMP leader K S Hariharan against LDF candidate K K Shailaja. MLA Rema dissociated from the statement and requested all to end the issue since Hariharan tendered an apology for his below-the-belt comments.

Hariharan made the controversial remark while referring to the obscene video controversy in the Vadakara constituency related to the Lok Sabha elections.

“CPM cyber goons thought their ploy of making an obscene video of K K Shailaja would ensure LDF victory. Will anyone make an obscene video of K K Shailaja? People would have believed if it was some other actress” said Hariharan.

With the misogynist remark inviting wrath in cyberspace, Hariharan quickly came up with a response and pledged forgiveness on his Facebook page.

Opposition leader V.D. Satheesan, UDF candidate from Vadakara Shafi Parambil and others participated in the campaign organized under the name ‘Against communalism’. Hariharan’s controversial remark came during this event.

Meanwhile, CPM has decided to file a complaint against the RMP leader with the Vadakara Rural SP office.
