Air India flight from Trivandrum faces technical issue, makes emergency landing

Saturday 18 May 2024 6:30 PM IST

CHENNAI: An Air India flight made an emergency landing due to technical problem. An Air India Express flight from Thiruvananthapuram to Bengaluru was brought down. The plane landed at Tiruchirappalli Airport.

Yesterday, two Air India flights were canceled due to technical problems. The flight from Delhi to Bengaluru returned to the Indira Gandhi International Airport when the air conditioning unit caught fire. There were 175 passengers on board.

On the same day, flight AI 858, which was traveling from Pune to Delhi, collided with a baggage tractor while moving along the runway. Around 180 passengers and crew were on board at the time of the accident.

Security officials at the airport informed that there were no injuries to the passengers and the flight crew. The plane's front end and landing gear were damaged in the crash, officials said. The passengers were later brought to Delhi on another flight. Air India flight 858 has been diverted for repairs. The Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) said that a detailed investigation has been ordered into the incident. However, Air India authorities have not responded about the incident.

Tug tractors are vehicles used to transport passengers' luggage and other items from the airport to the aircraft. Tug tractors are also used to tow aircraft onto the runway in emergencies. The DGCA said that it is believed the accident occurred while the aircraft was being towed to the track.
