Driving test reforms: Certified instructors to attend driving test; CITU expresses disapproval

Thursday 23 May 2024 11:19 PM IST

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The government has issued an order revising the driving test conditions, making it mandatory for authorized instructors to attend the driving test with their candidates. Meanwhile, organisations including CITU are against this reform. Most driving schools do not have enough certified instructors.

Most driving schools in Kerala have authorized licenses to function but the instructors are not certified. The new reform asking for certified instructors to accompany their candidates has not gone well with the driving school organisations. The new order comes with all the points explained by Minister Ganesh Kumar during the amicable talks held with the driving school association. An officer will conduct up to 40 driving tests a day.

A discussion was held between CITU leaders and Minister Ganesh Kumar on Thursday regarding the current discord existing in reforms but no significant progress was made. CITU informed that further programs will be decided by the state committee on the 29th.
