Kidney scam victim housewife abused by organ mafia members; Police investigation dragging on

Saturday 25 May 2024 11:36 PM IST

KOCHI: Even though four persons, including an organ mafia middleman, have been booked for allegedly abusing a housewife who is a victim of kidney scam, the follow-up is dragging on. Not even the statements of the accused have not been recorded. The complaint filed by the resident of Alappuzha Poochakkal to the Kochi City Police Commissioner is being investigated by Panangad Police.

She was a hospital employee and donated her kidney in 2020 at the instigation of an agent from Ernakulam. Although the promise was Rs 8.5 lakh, only Rs 3.5 lakh was handed over to her. Meanwhile, the agent took possession of a blank check signed by her. When she asked for the remaining amount, he threatened her. They said that they would pay her if she found people who were ready to donate their organs and bring them before the gang. The housewife connected some people with the gang. She decided to complain to the police when she realized that they have also been cheated.

With this, the gang trapped the housewife in a fake case using the cheque. Later she lost her job. The complaint is that the agent and his associates tortured her physically and mentally when she said that she would file a complaint with the police. The police received the complaint at the end of 2023. The preliminary investigation revealed that organ trafficking is what led to the case. A case was registered against four people in February this year. The investigation is in progress according to the police.
