Balloons carrying faeces, toilet paper dumped in various regions; military issues warning to people

Wednesday 29 May 2024 3:38 PM IST

SEOUL: South Korea has stated that a large number of balloons full of trash, toilet paper and suspected animal faeces were found in various parts of the country. As many as 260 balloons consisting of waste, including human faeces, were found dumped in South Korea. Following this, the authorities have warned the South Korean people living in the border region that these balloons were sent from North Korea.

The military has warned people not to touch big, white-coloured balloons and the plastic bags attached to them. Similar bags were found in eight out of nine provinces in South Korea. The South Korean military had previously stated that it was checking whether the balloons contained propaganda leaflets from North Korea.

North Korea had previously said that South Korean activists were frequently spreading leaflets and other rubbish in the country and that it would retaliate against it. The balloons were found just a few days after North Korea issued this warning.

South Korean authorities have warned people living in the northern part of Seoul and the border areas not to leave their homes. They also advised people to report to the nearest army post if they see any unknown objects near their homes.

Images circulating on social media show debris including toilet paper, black soil and batteries inside some of the balloons.
South Korea's Yonhap news agency reported that some of the balloons appeared to contain human faeces.

‘This is posing a serious threat to the security of the people of our region. Notify the military immediately if you notice littered balloons. North Korea is responsible for these balloons. We are issuing a stern warning to North Korea to immediately stop this inhumane and cruel act," the South Korean military said.
