Hareesh Peradi criticizes Kani for her statement on 'Biriyaani', asks why she accepted state award

Thursday 30 May 2024 11:40 AM IST

Actor Hareesh Peradi took to Facebook to criticize actress Kani Kusruthi following her statement that she acted in 'Biriyaani' for money even though it was against her political interests. He questioned on what political grounds Kani accepted the Kerala State Award for Best Actress for Biriyaani if it was against her political interests.

"I assimilate Kani's statement that she did the film "Biryaani" for a living despite political differences. But on what politics did she accept the best actress award for the film Biriyaani? Real politics or political consciousness was refraining from accepting it. If Kani was attracted by the prize money of the state award for best actress, she should have said it openly. Now it feels as if she threw the good movie Biriyaani and the state award in the dustbin after the silver light in Cannes. Politics is a word proudly used by the constitution of India and those with a sense of justice but not a watermelon clutch to fill money and fame. Greeting," he wrote on Facebook.
