Rahim's release in final stages, reconciliation agreement signed

Tuesday 04 June 2024 12:56 AM IST

KOZHIKODE: A reconciliation agreement was signed for the release of Abdul Rahim, who has been in a Saudi prison for 18 years. A cheque of Rs 34 crore issued by the Indian Embassy was handed over to the governorate. The cheque was issued in the name of the Chief Justice of the Criminal Court of Riyadh on the instructions of the governorate. Subsequently, the pardon was signed between the plaintiff and the defendant in the presence of the Governor.

Rahim Legal Aid Committee informed that they are making desperate efforts to bring Abdul Rahim home as soon as possible after completing the procedures. These documents will be submitted to the court. Further steps will be taken as per the instructions given by the court. In the case of the death of 15-year-old Saudi citizen Anas Al-Shahri in 2006, the Saudi court sentenced Abdul Rahim, a native of Farook, to death.
