Setback for Jose K Mani in Kottayam; Kerala Congress (M) will become weak in Left Front with Chazhikadan's defeat

Tuesday 04 June 2024 3:20 PM IST

KOTTAYAM: As the counting of votes for the Lok Sabha election progresses, Francis George of the Kerala Congress Joseph faction has ensured his victory over Kerala Congress (M)'s Thomas Chazhikadan. The defeat in Kottayam, a stronghold of the party, will reduce the strength of Kerala Congress (M) within the Left Front. Thomas Chazhikadan, who performed well as an MP, could not come on top at any stage of the counting.

This defeat will significantly reduce the bargaining power of the Jose K Mani faction within the front. This is a huge setback for Jose K Mani.

Meanwhile, the Kerala Congress Joseph faction will become more strong in the UDF. The victory in Kottayam is a prestigious one for the party. They will stake their claim to the Rajya Sabha seat offered by the Congress.

However, if the CPM is not ready to give a Rajya Sabha seat to Jose K Mani again, the Kerala Congress (Mani) will become a party without representation in the Parliament.

Another blow to Chazhikadan was the fact that NDA candidate Thushar Vellappally received almost one lakh votes in the constituency. In 2019, Chazhikadan defeated CPM candidate VN Vasavan by 1,06,259 votes. At present, UDF candidate Francis George is enjoying a lead of over half a lakh votes in Kottayam.
