Air pollution causes seven million deaths every year, MVD issues warning

Wednesday 05 June 2024 6:47 PM IST

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The Motor Vehicle Department (MVD) has said that air pollution is the cause of seven million deaths worldwide every year. A note shared on MVD's Facebook page states that air pollution is considered as the biggest environmental problem.

"Air pollution has become one of the biggest threats to the human race like asthma, cancer, lung diseases and heart diseases. Acid rain, ozone depletion, global climate change, haze, crop loss, deforestation and many other environmental impacts that harm human health are caused by air pollution. Noise pollution also pose another major challenge. A major source of air pollution is the combustion of fossil fuels in motor vehicles. By taking the following precautions, we can also partake in activities to protect the nature," MVD wrote in the post.

Important instructions

• Proper vehicle maintenance and less air pollution.

• Less use of private vehicles and greater reliance on public transport.

• Driving practices conducive to fuel conservation.

• Reduce the number of trips and do more in one trip.

• Habits of turning off the engine while stopping the vehicle to avoid idling.

• Avoidance of unnecessary modification like silencer alteration.

• Moderate air conditioner use.

• Choosing more fuel efficient vehicles.

• Shift to vehicles that reduce air pollution like electric cars and CNG vehicles.

• Greater promotion of walking and cycling.

By avoiding fuel conservation and extravagance, we can save our planet for future generations
