Women's League activists banned from participating in Shafi Parampil's road show

Friday 07 June 2024 10:06 AM IST

VADAKARA: Reports said women's league workers are being barred from participating in the road show of designated MP Shafi Parambil. A media released the voice message of Shahul Hameed, Koothuparambu mandalam league general secretary.

Shahul said that no religious restriction is allowed for the celebrations and women’s league workers need only congratulate. Women's league activists celebrated by dancing soon after the win of Shafi. These visuals went viral on social media.

Voice message released in Shahul’s name
The UDF committee of Koothuparambu mandalam constituency has organised a grand reception for our MP Shafi Parampil at Panur. Requesting our dear sisters to partake in this event.

However, women's league activists are not required to participate in the road show or marches. The party does not require your participation in those events as our religious restraints never allow us to respond in accordance with celebratory excitement. Rather, your presence is needed in this event. There will also be an opportunity to offer your greetings to our beloved MP.'

Vadakara is one of the most contested constituencies in the state. Shafi won by a majority of 1,14,506 votes against CPM's strong leader K K Shailaja.
