Four of family charred to death in Angamaly after house catches fire

Saturday 08 June 2024 10:37 AM IST

KOCHI: In a disturbing incident, four from a family were charred to death in a purported fire accident in Angamaly on Saturday morning. The incident took place in a house near Angamali Court. Bineesh, his wife Anu and their children Jasmin and Josna died.

On Saturday morning, a fire broke out on the top floor of the house. Further details are awaited in the case, as police have also started an investigation. Some residents, while on their morning walk, spotted smoke emanating from the top floor and felt suspicious. The fire broke out in only one room where all the members used to sleep. Meanwhile, the police are also investigating the possibility of a short circuit. It is reported that forensic experts will visit the place and conduct an examination.

The deceased Bineesh is a trader in Angamaly. The couple’s eldest child was studying in third class and the younger in first class. As per reports, the family was financially settled and faced no issues.
