Three districts likely to receive heavy rain in coming hours; people advised to exercise caution

Saturday 08 June 2024 9:28 PM IST

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has warned that three districts in Kerala are likely to receive heavy rainfall in the coming hours. According to the IMD, isolated places in Thiruvananthapuram, Thrissur and Kasaragod districts are likely to experience heavy rain accompanied by thunderstorms and strong winds (64.5-115.5 mm) with a speed of up to 40 km per hour in the next three hours.

Expected impacts

1. Traffic may be disrupted as there is a possibility of waterlogging on major roads / blurred vision in vehicles
2. Possibility of waterlogging/flooding in low-lying areas and river banks
3. Trees may be uprooted in strong rain. This can lead to power outages/accidents.
4. Houses and huts may be partially damaged
5. Landslides and mudslides are likely
6. Rainfall has the potential to adversely affect humans and livestock and damage vulnerable coastal structures.


  • Thunderstorms are dangerous. They cause great damage to human and animal life, electrical and communication networks and household appliances connected to electrical conductors. Therefore, the general public should take the following precautions from the time the cloud starts to be seen. Do not hesitate to take this precaution as lightning may not always be visible.
  • Immediately move inside a safe building at the first sign of lightning. Staying in open areas increases the risk of lightning strikes.
  • Keep windows and doors closed during periods of strong winds and thunderstorms. Stay away from doors and windows.
  • Stay inside the building and try not to touch the wall or floor as much as possible.
  • Unplug household appliances. Avoid proximity to electrical appliances during thunderstorms.
  • Avoid using the telephone during thunderstorms. It is okay to use a mobile phone.
  • Avoid playing outdoors and on terraces, including children, if the weather is cloudy. Do not stand under trees during thunderstorms.
  • Do not park vehicles under trees. Stay inside the vehicle during thunderstorms. Don't stick your legs out. You will be safe inside the vehicle. Avoid travelling on vehicles like bicycles, bikes, and tractors during thunderstorms and seek shelter in a safe building until the thunderstorm ends.
  • Avoid bathing during thunderstorms. Furthermore, avoid collecting water from taps. Electricity from lightning may travel through the pipe.
  • Do not fish or bathe in water bodies during thunderstorms. As soon as you see clouds, you should stop activities like fishing and boating and try to reach the nearest shore immediately. Do not stand on the deck of a boat during a thunderstorm.
  • Avoid kite flying.
  • It is dangerous to sit on a terrace or other high place or a tree branch during a thunderstorm.
  • Domestic animals should not be tethered in the open during this time. Do not go when there is a rain cloud to untie them. This may cause you to experience lightning strikes.
  • If you are in an open place and you cannot move to a nearby building, keep your feet together tuck your head and legs between your knees and roll up like a ball.
  • Lightning protection conduit can be placed on top of buildings to protect them from lightning. A surge protector can be fitted for the safety of electrical equipment.
  • Lightning strikes can cause burns, loss of vision, hearing, or heart attacks. It should be understood that there is no electric current in the body of a person who has been struck by lightning. So don't hesitate to give first aid to a person who has been struck by lightning. The first thirty seconds of being struck by lightning are the golden moments to save lives. Get medical help immediately for the person who has been struck by lightning.