Conductor's proposal to increase KSRTC collection approved by Minister, suggestion successful

Sunday 09 June 2024 6:29 PM IST

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The suggestion put forward by a conductor to increase the collection of KSRTC has been successful. The transport minister has given the green light to the conductor's proposal to increase the collection by rearranging KSRTC bus schedule. The decision has become a huge win for KSRTC.

The minister gave permission to change the schedule of the bus on the instructions of Ajayan, a conductor who took the pregnant woman from Thirunavaya to Amala Medical College in Thrissur when she went into labour. Through this, there was an average increase in income of 4446 rupees in each service.

The minister himself called the conductor Ajayan and informed about this. Earlier, the minister called Ajayan on the phone to express his appreciation for his timely intervention to take the pregnant woman to the hospital. It was at this time that Ajayan proposed that if they changed the schedule of their bus, the income would increase. The minister treated this suggestion with priority and ordered to change the schedule of the bus that very day.

Thottilpalam depot had the highest collection in Kerala when the depot started earlier. Then the income decreased. Now the minister and all the employees are trying to improve the depot and income.
