'Most disparaging comments came from her'; actress Swetha Menon opens up

Friday 14 June 2024 5:10 PM IST

Back in 2013, controversy erupted after actress Swetha Menon complained about being touched by Congress leader N. Peethambara Kurup. After the big uproar, the case was settled after the congress leader tendered an apology.

In an interview almost 11 years after the incident, Swetha Menon responded that she had no personal grudge against the then 72-year-old politician, but said she had no other option but to bring the issue into the open. The actress then revealed people who made unscrupulous remarks about her and also named BJP leader Shobha Surendran on the list.

"Many people thought that I reacted politically on that issue. I had no animosity towards a 72-year-old. But I had to react that day because I felt humiliated. However, after the incident, many blamed me for what happened and even BJP leaders were on the list. It was Shobha Surendran who spoke the worst about me. She likened me to a Pooraprambu (a place where fireworks and festivals are conducted; often used to denigrate a woman). She was also a woman but went stooping low to shame me.

Shweta said that Suresh Gopi won in Thrissur as an individual but not as a party member.

“Suresh Gopi is a very emotional person. He is over-emotional right now. And I feel like he is starting to become a real politician from now on” said the actress.
