'Kafir' screen shot row puts CPM on defensive

Sunday 16 June 2024 7:36 AM IST

KOZHIKODE: The CPM is on the defensive after the police report that the controversial 'kafir' screen shot, that was widely circulated in Vadakara during the Lok Sabha elections, is not of a Muslim League activist. The CPM had accused the league workers of campaigning by portraying KK Shailaja as a kafir and circulated the screen shot on social media as proof. It was shared by CPM leader and former MLA KK Lathika.

However, the UDF maintained that the fake screen shot was made and circulated by the CPM centers. Kozhikode DCC President K Praveen Kumar demanded the arrest of KK Lathika who spread the police report. MP-elect Shafi Parambi also said that if the police collusion continues, the legal and political fight will ensue.

Youth League activist Mohammad Khasim demanded action against those who circulated the fake screen shot in his name. Meanwhile, the police is of the position that the real accused can be arrested only after receiving a report from the Facebook authorities.
