Chappal thrown at Modi’s car in Varanasi? video goes viral

Thursday 20 June 2024 11:46 AM IST

NEW DELHI: Was a chappal thrown at Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vehicle in his own constituency Varanasi. Modi visited his constituency for the first time after winning the polls. The video of a security officer leaning across the bonnet and taking it had surfaced. However, there is no confirmation in this regard. It is also not confirmed whether it was a chappal or not. There is also news that it is not a chappal but a mobile thrown at the car.

The video shows a big crowd waiting to see the Prime Minister. There are reports that the chappal was thrown at the car from among this crowd and the person who threw it has not been found. If a chappal was thrown, then it is assessed as a serious security breach. In the 1.41-minute video surfaced, the crowd can be heard chanting 'Modi, Modi'. A man can be heard saying that a chappal was thrown.

Modi, who faced the polls with the confidence of increasing his majority in Varanasi, witnessed a steep fall this time. Modi who had won by nearly four lakh votes over the Congress candidate in 2019, won only by one and a half lakh votes. At one stage, Modi was trailing. Congress candidate Ajay Rai was fielded against Modi. The NDA who had a confidence of winning more than 400 seats, could not even cross 300. The Modi government came back to power with the support of allied parties.
