Kim Jong Un gifts rare Pungsan dogs to Putin during North Korea visit

Thursday 20 June 2024 11:42 PM IST

PYONGYANG: North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un presented two white Pungsan dogs to Russian President Vladimir Putin. The Pungsan is a native breed used for hunting in North Korea. Kim's love gesture was during Putin's visit to North Korea. Putin gifted Kim a luxury Russian-made Auras car. Both the countries had signed an agreement to help each other in case of attack.

Putin is very fond of pet dogs. Putin's pet dogs are Connie, Buffy, Yume, Verni and Pasha. Most are gifts from foreign leaders. In 2017, the video of Putin adoring Verni the puppy, which was given as a birthday present by the President of Turkmenistan, Garbanguli Berdymukhamedov, is world famous. Connie was Putin's favourite dog. Connie, a black Labrador retriever, was free to enter even official meetings without permission. Connie, presented by former Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, Konni died in 2014.
