Barton Hill engineering student's achievement: 3D patient scans aid surgeries, guided by doctor from Sreeshailam Chitra

Saturday 22 June 2024 12:07 AM IST

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Students from Barton Hill College of Engineering in Thiruvananthapuram have discovered a software system that promises to revolutionize medical diagnostics and surgeries. Developed under the leadership of fourth-year electronics student Aloshi over the course of a year, this technology aims to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of medical care.

The inspiration for the project came from doctors at Sree Chitra Thirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology (SCTIMST), who suggested that 3D imaging could significantly improve patient outcomes. Today marks the first public demonstration of the software at Sree Chitra.

Dr Keshavdas from the Department of Radiology at SCTIMST led the medical application of the technology. The system utilizes specialized input devices including a unique keyboard and mouse setup. Technical support for the project is provided by EMBEDITE, a company based in Thiruvananthapuram, where Aloshi has secured a position following graduation.

Computer, projector and white wall

1. The patient's CT scan should be uploaded to the computer in file form. This file will be converted into 3D by the software.

2. The computer will be connected to two projectors. Through this, images can be viewed on a white screen or other surfaces using 3D glasses. Since it is 3D, one can see the depth of the image.

3. A scan of any organ can be seen. The infected area can be seen enlarged. Cancers in the brain can be identified accurately. Even delicate nerves can be seen accurately. Bone fractures and bruises can be identified.

The technology is also being used to teach medical students about human anatomy. Sree Chitra and Barton hill have jointly applied for a patent for the technology.
