'Women have this desire in their minds even after getting married; 20 out of 100 men create obstacles to this desire'

Friday 28 June 2024 4:18 PM IST

Actress Aditi Ravi said that the content of a film is very important and that films will not become successful just because of the star value of the actors. She said this in an interview given to Kaumudy Movies in connection with the promotion of her latest film 'Big Ben'.

"Nowadays, most of the women have a desire to be financially independent even after marriage. It's a great thing that we are able to give such a message through the film 'Big Ben'. Things have changed. If you take 100 men, at least 20 of them are creating obstacles before this desire of women. I hope that those 20 people would understand this after watching the film," Aditi Ravi said.

"Suppose we hear the news about a mother who killed her child. Is it right to say that all women are like that? Nowadays, films become successful because of their content. A film will not become successful just because the actors have star value. The content is important. The one thing that remains throughout our life is family. Everybody else will come and go," she added.
