'Suresh Gopi uncle will call us whenever he comes to Coimbatore'

Saturday 29 June 2024 12:54 PM IST

Padmaraj Ratheesh, actor and son of the late actor Ratheesh, recently revealed the invaluable support provided by Suresh Gopi during his acting career. In an interview with a YouTube channel, Padmaraj shared his experiences and the deep bond between his family and Suresh Gopi.

"Suresh Gopi uncle has been incredibly supportive, especially during the filming of 'Kaval.' His performance in the film left me in awe. Despite not being relatives and having few film collaborations with my father, he took it upon himself to oversee our wedding," Padmaraj recounted. He added that Suresh Gopi often referred to his mother as sister and maintained a close relationship with their family, always making time to visit them in Coimbatore.

Padmaraj also reflected on his father Ratheesh's initial reluctance to dub and perform conflict scenes, which he eventually mastered, particularly highlighted in his role in 'Commissioner.' Padmaraj admitted facing similar challenges when he started acting and only truly appreciated his father's talent after entering the film industry himself.

Recalling his early encounters with Mammootty, Padmaraj shared, "When I acted in my first film, I was unaware of the challenges. Mammooka talked to me about my acting on location, which I only realized the significance of after my debut. Getting into cinema is easy, but continuing in it is difficult. Mammookka and I have acted together in two films and his guidance has been invaluable."

Padmaraj expressed admiration for Mammootty's dedication and diet discipline, stating, "Mammootty is a different person once he gets into the caravan after shooting. His commitment to his diet is impressive, something I struggle to match. When we eat together, Mammookka ensures we follow his diet."
