'Train was allowed to pass through an area close to people engaged in rescue efforts in Amayizhanchan canal'

Sunday 14 July 2024 9:47 PM IST

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: More than 30 hours have passed since the search for Joy, who went missing while cleaning the Amayizhanchan canal, began. Meanwhile, MP and CPM leader AA Rahim has come out with a Facebook post criticising the Railways for showing disinterestedness in the matter.

Facebook post
'Thiruvananthapuram is currently witnessing an unparalleled rescue operation. A large number of individuals have taken part in the rescue efforts to save a life. Since the time of the incident, rescue operations have been going on even at night under the leadership of the Mayor and the Collector. The fire force, robotics technology, NDRF, police, corporation employees, and DYFI volunteers are all in action.

Yet, the Railways has displayed complete disinterestedness in the matter. Although 24 hours have passed since the accident took place, no senior official of the Railways has arrived at the scene or assisted in the rescue efforts. Not only that, the operations of the railways are further hindering the rescue mission.

I am shocked by the railways' action of deliberately allowing a train to pass through the area close to the people involved in the rescue mission. After visiting the spot yesterday, I had given directions to some available railway officials to regulate railway traffic on some tracks to facilitate rescue operations. The officials had also assured to make the necessary arrangements. I have asked the Union Ministry of Railways to make a compassionate and immediate intervention in the incident,' Rahim wrote.
