Rain alert; Yellow alert and possibility of swell surge phenomenon in two districts

Tuesday 23 July 2024 5:51 PM IST

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The Central Meteorological Department has said that there is a possibility of heavy rain in Kerala in the next five days. Yellow alert has also been announced in various districts of the state from today to the next five days. Kannur and Kasaragod are on yellow alert today. Yellow alert will remain in these districts tomorrow. On July 25, a yellow alert has been announced in all the three districts of Malappuram, Kozhikode and Wayanad.

Rain forecast for next five days

Orange Alert

25-07-2024: Central Meteorological Department has announced orange alert in Kannur and Kasaragod districts. Chance of heavy rain at isolated places is forecast. Heavy rainfall means 115.6 mm to 204.4 mm of rain in 24 hours.

Yellow alert

23-07-2024: Kannur, Kasaragod

24-07-2024: Kannur, Kasaragod

25-07-2024: Malappuram, Kozhikode, Wayanad

26-07-2024: Kozhikode, Wayanad, Kannur, Kasaragod

27-07-2024: Central Meteorological Department announced yellow alert in Kannur and Kasaragod districts.

At the same time, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Research Center has informed that there is a possibility of black sea phenomenon and high waves of 1.7 to 2.9 meters on the Kerala coast till 11.30 pm tomorrow. There is also a warning that there is a possibility of rough sea phenomenon and high waves of 2.0 to 2.6 meters on the Tamil Nadu coast till 11.30 pm tomorrow.
